====== Red Dead Redemption 2 and Online ====== Just a random collection of things related to Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online. From what I've heard Rockstar has pretty much abandoned the game at this point, but you can still make it enjoyable. See below for more. ===== Useful links ===== * [[https://jeanropke.github.io/RDOMap/|{{fa>map?lg&fw|Gaming}}]] [[https://jeanropke.github.io/RDOMap/|A great interactive map of Red Dead Online!]] ===== Crash Fix aka Anti-Cheater Fix aka Private Sessions ===== Probably common knowledge by now and just saved here so I don't need to go looking. Created and published by people [[https://pastebin.com/r7mYw1WY|here]] and [[https://pastebin.com/tckzCWEi|here]] and in other places. Just search for "Red Dead Online private session" using your favorite search engine. * Find the installation folder of Red Dead Redemption 2 (for Steam it's usually ''...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Red Dead Redemption 2)'' * Switch to the folder ''\x64\data'' * Place the ''startup.meta'' (see below) file there * Open the file with a text editor and replace ''password'' at the very end of the file with something more complex * Have your friends do the same thing with the same password so you can play together platform:/data/cdimages/scaleform_platform_pc.rpf RPF_FILE platform:/data/ui/value_conversion.rpf RPF_FILE platform:/data/ui/widgets.rpf RPF_FILE platform:/textures/ui/ui_photo_stickers.rpf RPF_FILE platform:/textures/ui/ui_platform.rpf RPF_FILE platform:/data/ui/stylesCatalog aWeaponizeDisputants platform:/data/cdimages/scaleform_frontend.rpf RPF_FILE_PRE_INSTALL platform:/textures/ui/ui_startup_textures.rpf RPF_FILE platform:/data/ui/startup_data.rpf RPF_FILE platform:/boot_launcher_flow.#mt STREAMING_FILE boot_flow/boot_launcher_flow password ===== Graphics Settings ===== //Based on Hardware Unboxed' Red Dead Redemption 2 Optimization [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=385eG1IEZMU|Part 1]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3xQ33Cq4CE|Part 2]].// //Reducing the game resolution should help a lot too, e.g. from 1920x1080px to 1600x900px.// ^ Setting ^ Value (Higher Profile) ^ | Texture Quality | High | | Anisotropic Filtering | 4x | | Lighting Quality | Medium | | Global Illumination Quality | High | | Shadow Quality | High | | Far Shadow Quality | High | | Screen Space Ambient Occlusion | Medium | | Reflection Quality | Low | | Mirror Quality | Ultra | | Water Quality | Medium | | Volumetrics Quality | Medium | | Particle Quality | Ultra | | Tesselation Quality | Ultra | | TAA | Medium | | FXAA | Off | | MSAA | Off | ^ Setting ^ Value (Higher Profile) ^ | Near Volumetric Quality | Low | | Far Volumetric Quality | Medium | | Volumetric Lighting Quality | Medium | | Unlocked Volumetric Raymarch Resolution | On | | Particle Lighting Quality | Medium | | Soft Shadows | High | | Grass Shadows | Medium | | Long Shadows | On | | Full Resolution SSAO | Off | | Water Refraction Quality | Low | | Water Reflection Quality | Medium | | Water Physics Quality | 2 / 5 | | TAA Sharpening | Any | | Motion Blur | Off | | Reflection MSAA | 2x | | Geometry Level of Detail | 1 / 5 | | Grass Level of Detail | 2 / 10 | | Tree Quality | High | | Parallax Occlusion Mapping Quality | Medium | | Decal Quality | Ultra | | Fur Quality | High |