====== Home ====== ===== Welcome to Jo's Wiki ===== Welcome! This is **my personal wiki** to keep info in a public space where I can access it anytime. You may or may not find it useful too. So feel free to see what's here. ===== Wiki Contents ===== * [[gaming:home|{{fa>gamepad?lg&fw|Gaming & Content Creation}}]] [[gaming:home|Gaming & Content Creation]]: I do play video games and sometimes there is some info I need to keep handy. I'm also curious about content creation so I collect some info about that too. Both are related most of the times for what I dabble in so they are in one category. * [[photography:home|{{fa>camera?lg&fw|Photography}}]] [[photography:home|Photography]]: Photography is one of my interests and here's where I write down some hints for myself. * [[devops:home|{{fa>window-maximize?lg&fw|Dev & Ops}}]] [[devops:home|Dev & Ops]]: Information related to Development and Operations of IT Systems. Not necessarily DevOps ;-) * [[settings:home|{{fa>wrench?lg&fw|My Custom Settings}}]] [[settings:home|My Custom Settings]]: Settings I usually use when settings up my computer, my browser or whatever else. ===== Link Page ===== If you are curious about more from me check out my [[https://johegl.eu|Link Page (johegl.eu)]]! \\ \\ \\ -- //There is also a [[drafts:home|drafts]] section, which is not publicly accessible.//