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Welcome to Jo's Wiki
Welcome! This is my personal wiki to keep info in a public space where I can access it anytime. You may or may not find it useful too. So feel free to see what's here.
Wiki Contents
- Gaming & Content Creation: I do play video games and sometimes there is some info I need to keep handy. I'm also curious about content creation so I collect some info about that too. Both are related most of the times for what I dabble in so they are in one category.
- Photography: Photography is one of my interests and here's where I write down some hints for myself.
- Dev & Ops: Information related to Development and Operations of IT Systems. Not necessarily DevOps
- My Custom Settings: Settings I usually use when settings up my computer, my browser or whatever else.
Link Page
If you are curious about more from me check out my Link Page (!
There is also a drafts section, which is not publicly accessible.