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Canon EOS 60D

EOS Utility for Canon EOS 60D

This is for Microsoft Windows only at this point, but there seems to be an updater for Mac as well.

Step 1: Add registry key

This will make Windows pretend that an old version of the EOS Utility has already been installed.

Copy this code to a new file called add-eos-utility-key-to-registry.reg (the extension is important so use the "All files" option as the file type in the editor of your choice and add it manually) and execute (simply double-click) it in your Windows Explorer:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Registry fix based on [[|Wiltshire Tutorials]]'s info.

Step 2: Download and Install

  • Download the EOS Utility Updater from
  • Install the EOS Utility by opening the downloaded updater