Help with this Wiki

What is DokuWiki?

DokuWiki is a really simple, text-based (no database needed) wiki. It is easy to maintain and does all a basic wiki should do.

We will use it to store more permanent information that has gotten lost in other places.

Getting around

DokuWiki is structured by namespaces and pages in the form of namespace:page. We are using namespaces such as “discord” to group certain things. Every namespace has a homepage , which is called “start”. The homepage of our wiki therefore is start, the Discord namespace's homepage is discord:start.

If you want to get an overview of all pages, try the sitemap. That link is also in the top right menu of this wiki at all times.

Editing a page

There is a wonderful edit button for those who have permission. It is to the right of a page. There is also a button to go back in time to revisions (of a page. If you save regularly, you can go back in case you break something.

And then there are many more little edit buttons! These are really good to use, if you only want to edit one section!

We put an overview of namespaces on every start page (literally <something>:start), so we can find our way around without the sitemap. The overview of namespaces can be inserted on a page with the button labelled “nspages”.

There is an editor for each page. It has a really simple toolbar. If you want to know how it works, just try and hit “preview”. And if you want to know more about the “codes” you can use here, check out Formatting Syntax :-)

You will note that you can see pretty titles in the namespace overview and on links rather than just the short part of the URL that represents the page. E.g. this help page is called “gettingstarted” and shows up as “Getting Started for Lollygaggers” in links and overviews. For such things the first headline on a page is used.

The page title should be a 6-= headline (the only one on each page!), followed by mostly 5-= headlines and other subordinate headlines for more structure.

If you want to insert images, hit the button to open an upload window. Make sure you upload the image to the folder the page is in.

Creating and deleting pages

There is no button to create a new page. If you wanted to create a new page in the “Discord” namespace, then you would open the URL somerandomnamespacethatihavechosen:mynewandfancypage and hit the edit button there. That's it.

And to delete a page, you delete its contents and hit save. Gone it is…

Namespaces behave in a quite similar way. There is no need to create explicitly create them. You just create one page, preferably the “start” page with the overview and you are done. And once there are no pages left in it, a namespace will sort of disappear.

The hardest part about a wiki is keeping a good structure. So we'll have to talk about namespaces before we create them ;-) Pages within namespaces are not that critical.

Every page with subpages should have a table of contents. Use this editor icon to insert one that looks like the one on the homepage.

What if you still need help?

Try Google, bug the GM or look at the following pages: